New Caanan Church Cemetery

These are all the people whose obituaries are referenced in this index for the interment location New Caanan Church Cemetery. Click "View details" to view information about their obituary. Clicking a newspaper name will take you to a list of all obituaries from that publication.

Prefix First name Middle name Maiden name Last name Publication date Newspaper name
View details Mrs. Fannie Golden Abbott Jan 13, 2005 The Huntsville Times
View details William Fred Ashley Nov 29, 1988 The Huntsville Times
View details Charles Ralph Carson, Sr. Jan 6, 2001 The Huntsville Times
View details Jess Elbert Cooper Feb 12, 1963 The Huntsville Times
View details Joe Eakin Oct 1, 1963 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Harvey C. Haynes Apr 20, 1966 The Huntsville Times
View details Christine Norwood Dec 14, 2007 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Joe Parrish Mar 4, 2001 The Huntsville Times
View details Mrs. Avor Parson Dec 20, 1985 The Huntsville Times
View details Hardy M. Scoles Jan 23, 1963 The Huntsville Times