Panguin Cemetery, Marshall County, AL

These are all the people whose obituaries are referenced in this index for the interment location Panguin Cemetery, Marshall County, AL. Click "View details" to view information about their obituary. Clicking a newspaper name will take you to a list of all obituaries from that publication.

Prefix First name Middle name Maiden name Last name Publication date Newspaper name
View details Mrs. Mollie Ellen Ellett Byrum Jun 11, 1940 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Ian Sandlin Castle Aug 12, 1973 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Edward J. Cooper Mar 25, 1951 The Huntsville Times
View details Miss Viola Ellett Aug 29, 1939 The Huntsville Times
View details Mrs. Myrtle Elliott Foster Jul 13, 1960 The Huntsville Times
View details Mrs. Bessie Mae Hamm Jan 14, 1955 The Huntsville Times
View details Mrs. Jess R. Cooper Keller Feb 20, 1938 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Edward Clarence Kirkland Oct 23, 1963 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. M. W. Kirkland Mar 4, 1957 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Pleas Dewey Kirkland Feb 16, 1940 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. S. R. Kirkland Dec 23, 1932 The Huntsville Daily Times
View details Mrs. Josie Vera Martin Feb 15, 1957 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Enoch A. Smith Jan 5, 1961 The Huntsville Times
View details Mr. Enoch A. Smith Jan 5, 1961 The Huntsville Times